Thursday, March 17, 2011

The Trial of the Stairs

Okay, so for lunch I decided to get off my rear-end and walk about. I then had the most brilliant idea, I work on the 5th floor of a building, and have access to lots of stairs! I should walk them!

Being on the top floor, I had a nice walk down, and when you consider the parking garage floors, I went down nine stories. Each story has two flights of stairs between them. I quickly made it to the bottom, and turned around. I handled the first 12 flights pretty well, but started breathing pretty hard around the second floor.

Not wanting anyone to walk in on me in the stairwell panting, I pressed on. Around the 14th flight, my pace started to slow down. I made it to the 5th floor, but decided once up was enough for today. After 18 flights of stairs there was not too much spring in my step. I guess that means I would make a horrible New Yorker (because you know they all live on the 7th floor of a a walk up like in the movies.)

There are two sets of doors out of the stairwells, so I stood in between them and recovered, so as not to alarm the receptionist. I didn't want anyone calling the paramedics because they thought I was having a stroke.

I think I'll keep doing that, it was a really good aerobic workout, but I probably wont be able to make two trips for some time.

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